Debt Review Removals - Break Free, Take Control!

You were once overindebted and grabbed that debt counselling process like a life jacket, and it totally helped you get through some rough financial waters. But now? You're ready to captain your own ship, financially speaking. There's only one hiccup. That pesky credit bureau listing and flag is like a big, red stop sign on your credit report, holding you back. We offer you six easy steps, from application of your bureau listing removal process to getting that court order saying "all clear."

Here is your opportunity to turn what seems like a credit report cage into your own financial symphony. South Africans in your position have come out on the other side with their bureau adverse listing and indicator removed, their finances in hand, a smile on their face, and an improved credit report. Let's show you how our tailored Credit Bureau removal process can seriously shake things up for you. Let's make some magic happen. Apply Here online

 Application for Debt Review removal

Step 1: Application

Debt Review Process Step 2

Step 2: Investigations

Debt Review Notification to Creditors

Step 3: Notification

Repayment Plan Development

Step 4: Court Application


Step 5: Bureau Clearance

Debt Review Process Step 6

Step 6: Free After-Care

Get Out of Debt Review Easily!

We've made getting out of debt review simple and stress-free. Think of it as clearing away those financial clouds with a legal, easy-to-follow path. Here’s how it works:

  1. Start with a Snap: Fill out a simple form to kick things off. That's all it takes to begin!
  2. We Handle the Heavy Lifting: As soon as you let us know you're in, we'll tell your creditors, the National Credit Regulator (NCR), and the credit bureaus you're on your way out of debt counselling. We'll take care of all the tricky parts, including the court stuff, so you don't have to worry about a thing.
  3. Court Says Yes, and We Sprint: The moment the court gives the thumbs up, we move fast to get the credit bureau label and listing removed.
  4. Sit Back, Relax, and Be Listing - Free: With our streamlined process, you can kick back knowing you'll soon be clear of debt Counselling. We'll clean up your credit record across all bureaus, paving the way for a brighter financial future.
  5. Step Into a Stress-Free Life: Imagine a life free from the shadow of this listing. With our caring services, you're just one step away from that peace of mind.

What to Expect: A Clear Guide

Choosing to remove your blacklisted status and indicator with us? Great choice! Here’s a quick overview of what to expect, including how much it’ll cost and how long it’ll take.


Online Application

When you decide to remove your credit bureau listings and indicators, you'll need to complete our online application form, as well as provide ID, proof of residence, and any letters you have. Cost Free. Simply click the link and we can start the process as early as today


Within 2 hours

We Receive Your Application

Telephonic consultation and Introduction. The moment you hit "send" on your application, we're on it, reaching out to you to chat about the next steps. We're all about being a responsible service provider. If we think this journey might not be your right move, we'll tell you straight up - no moving forward if it doesn't help you. Once we’ve all high-fived you on being a suitable fit for the removal process, we will set up a debit order for our fees, spreading it out over up to 6 cozy months, based entirely on what repayment plan feels right for you. Your comfort, your terms, our support.

Debicheck has a time limit of 12hrs for authentication

Debitcheck Authentication

After we have a chat and you're feeling good about everything, we'll get the ball rolling with something called a DebiCheck. It's pretty neat because you get to give the thumbs up for any debit orders before they happen. All you need to do is pop into your bank's app, swing by an ATM, or visit your bank branch to say "Yep, that's cool with me!" It's super easy and puts you in the driver's seat, making sure you're comfy with everything going out of your account. Our staff will assist with this process should you get stuck.

Debicheck has a time limit of 12hrs for authentication

Within 12 hours after you have authenticated our debit order


Think of us as your financial fairy godparents! When it comes to waving goodbye to that Debt counselling indicator, we don't just stop there. We will always go the extra mile, investigating all 5 credit bureaus to really get the lowdown on what else we can spruce up on your credit report.
It's like giving your financial profile a makeover, making sure when we're done, it's not just about removing that one pesky indicator. We're on a mission to polish up everything, ensuring your credit report and scores shines bright, opening up a world of possibilities for you. So, dont settle for just one fix when you can have the full glow-up! 

Within 12 hours after we have completed the investigation phase

Personalised Portal Profile

Imagine having a magic key to a door that opens up to all your credit reports and info from 5 bureaus, all neatly organised and updated just for you. That's what we've cooked up for you in your personalised portal profile! Once you're logged in, it's like your financial dashboard – you can peek at your credit scores anytime, catch real-time updates on how things are moving, and track all the projects we're juggling for you, including that super important debt review removals and zapping away any prescribed debt. It's all about keeping you in the loop and feeling in control, without drowning in the details.

Think of it as your financial HQ, where everything you need to know is just a login away

Within 12 hours after we have completed the investigation phase

Within 60 days of your application

Debt Review Removal Court Order

In just 60 sweet, short days from the moment you send us your online application, our competent and caring legal wizards will be knocking on the court's door, working their magic to get that listing and label peeled off your financial profile.

The moment the court gives us the green light, with a granted court order and saying "Yep, you're good to go!" we jump into action. We'll chat with the big guys at the NCR, give a heads-up to all those credit bureaus, and loop in your creditors to let them know you're flying solo now, debt counselling free. It's your financial freedom, fast-tracked and fuss-free.

Monthly until fees settled (Max 6 Months)

Fee Payment Plan

We've got some awesome news that's going to make your path to that new car or dream home smoother. We will proceed with the bureau clearance process for you even if you haven't paid all the fees. Less hassle, more vroom-vroom.

Monthly until fees settled (Max 6 Months)

6 Months after debt review removal

6 Months after debt settlement Care Service

We take our service a step further. After you've successfully completed the debt review removal process, we'll continue to offer support and guidance for an additional six months. This includes helping with any questions you might have, as well as providing advice on significant financial decisions, such as buying a house or a car.

We'll also guide you (at your request) on the potential drawbacks of accepting certain loan offers, ensuring you make informed choices moving forward. This diligent follow-up ensures your financial records stay clean and accurately represent your new and improved financial standing. Cost Free

Why Choose Us

We're more than a debt review and credit bureau adverse removal company; we're your partners in navigating the stormy waters of the legal process involved in a debt counselling removal process, dealing with the NCR and creditors in a complex, highly regulated industry.

Integrity, transparency, and unwavering support underpin our commitment to assisting South Africans with their finances.  With years of experience and a compassionate approach, we ensure personalised financial solutions tailored to your needs.

When you choose us, you're not just removing your adverse listings; you're stepping into a brighter, more secure financial future. We empower you with knowledge and tools for sustainable financial health beyond debt counselling removal.

We provide educational resources, ongoing support, and tailored advice to ensure that once you step out of debt, you stay out. Make financial security a permanent state, not just a temporary relief. Start your journey not just to recover, but to thrive with our carring and understanding assistance.

Decades of Dedication
18 Years and Counting

For 18 years, We have stood as a leading light in financial recovery, guiding countless individuals in South Africa through their adverse listing removal journeys. Our deep-rooted experience in the adverse Credit Bureau listing removals realm is not just a number — it's a testament to our unwavering commitment to turning financial despair into stories of success.

Pros You Can Trust
798 Success Sories!

With 798 glowing testimonials, our dedication to changing lives with top-notch bureau removal solutions is undeniable. Our happy clients speak volumes of the change and care we've brought into their lives. Each verified customer review is a genuine tale of financial rejuvenation and the return of peace of mind.

Fast & Effective
Solutions Await!

Credit Salvage, a place where rapid and efficient paths to Credit bureau blacklisted listing removals unfold before you. Imagine being just steps away from removing that pesky adverse listing and indicator. With our expert, streamlined approach, we promise a journey out of debt counselling that’s not just quick but also customised to fit your personal financial situation perfectly. Apply online or give us a call.

Affordable, Transparent

We're proud of our straightforward, competitive pricing. We believe in making the journey to removing your listings as smooth and stress-free as possible. That means no hidden fees, no unpleasant surprises—just clear, fair pricing that brings real value to the legal process of debt counselling removal.

About Us

Here at Credit Salvage, we're more than just a company; we're your guiding light to financial freedom. Based in the heart of South Africa, our team is all about using our deep-rooted values to help you find your way out of this situation. We're here to offer you personalised financial advice that does more than just fix your credit score – we're here to bring back your hope.

Our foundation is built on being open, caring, and always there for you. We believe everyone deserves a chance at a financially stable future, and we're committed to making that happen for each of our clients. Choosing us means you're not just sorting out your finances for now; you're laying down the groundwork for a thriving future.

With us, financial stability isn't just a dream; it's something you can count on. Let's rebuild your financial health together, creating a tomorrow you can look forward to.

About Credit Salvage

Triumphs and Transformations with Our Debt Review Removal Process

Credit Salvage Services

Credit Salvage Customer Testimonial

Hear It Directly From Our Happy Clients!

Dive into the success stories of our clients and get inspired! Our clients have shared their incredible journeys of financial revival and optimism across platforms like Google Reviews and Hello Peter, calling their experiences with our company life-transforming. Imagine trading in your sleepless nights for peaceful sleep, and overwhelming debt for achievable goals.

Our clients rave about more than just our services; they talk about the compassionate professionals behind those services. These testimonials are more than just positive reviews — they're the heartfelt stories of real individuals taking back control of their lives. They form an inspiring collective voice, encouraging you to be part of the success stories of those who have found their way to financial health with our services.

“The service I received from credit salvage has been amazing. Sindile and Quinten did such an exceptional job that I felt like I was their only customer. Never thought it was possible for my name to be removed from DEBT REVIEW but they fought tooth and nail to make sure it is done. Thank you so much. I highly recommend credit salvage to everybody.”

“I was cleared with a month by Credit Salvage with the assistance of Chermonay and Alfred. They consistently kept me up to date, even to say there is no movement let's be patient. Thank you Credit Salvage team for your professionalism and quite literally saving my life.”

"Gosh wow I don't know where to start, my experience with Sindi was the best. From the communication, updates to time frame of my final results. After struggling to get assistance at some other places and I finally received help from Credit Salvage. Thank you so so much for a job well done."

“Help first, money later, thats how they made me feel. I was advised on just what I really needed without being asked for money unlike many other companies out there. A great gentleman by the name of Alfred Veca made it all easy and welcoming. You will never go wrong with these guys.”

Unlock Your Financial Freedom: Triumphs and Transformations with Our Debt Review/ Counselling Removal Process

Situations involving debt review and debt counselling removals - must read
Maria's Journey from Debt Counselling to Homeownership
James's Path to Increased Credit Scores and Loan Approval with our assistance
Brenda's Journey from Debt Counselling to Securing Her Daughter's Education with our help

Unlock Your Path to Financial Freedom: Explore Our FAQs or Start Your Removal Journey Today!

Feeling stuck with a blacklisted credit bureau listing can be quite stressful, but remember, we're here to help. Our detailed FAQs are packed with clear answers and useful information to guide you through the process of credit bureau removals. It's the perfect first step towards understanding how we can assist you in finding relief from debt counselling and starting on your journey to financial independence.

If you're ready to make a move and apply online, our online application for debt review removals is easy to access and just a click away. It's your pathway back to financial control. Dive into our FAQs or apply online today to get the support you need to move forward.

Or... Simply Leave Your Details Below and Let's Talk Credit Bureau Clearance!

Step into a brighter financial future today! Just fill out the form below, and one of our expert consultants will get in touch to discuss how our personalised services can transform your financial landscape. Don't let debt dictate your life; take the first step towards reclaiming your freedom and peace of mind.

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Debt Review Removals

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Shed the Weight, Embrace the Freedom: Your Debt Review Removal Journey Starts Here!

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